Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 3: Ambassadors for Christ

"Through his suffering, my servant shall justify many, and their guilt he shall bear" (Isaiah 53:11).

"We are ambassadors for Christ" (2 Cor. 5:20). Let us take upon ourselves, through this 40 Days for Life campaign, the guilt of the sin of abortion.

As Christ bore pain and humiliation far greater than what we can imagine without complaint, so do we follow in His footsteps by bearing patiently the small sufferings and inconveniences that accompany bearing witness for His little ones, as we pray for repentance, not only for ourselves, but also for those who are weighed down by sin and attachment to evil, particularly the evil of abortion.

Our quote from Rick Warren today reminds us that we must keep in mind our purpose from God:
"Without God, life has no purpose, and without purpose, life has no meaning...Purpose always produces passion" (Rick Warren, Purpose-Driven Life, Day 3)
How does God's purpose and passion in my life lead us to better help Him defend the unborn?

Your feedback and comments are welcome! Please remember to send your news and stories from the campaign front for inclusion in our daily newsletter to the whole team! Stories may be sent to Thank you for your participation!

The following is an invitation from the 40 Days for Life team in Manassas:
All pro-lifers interested in joining the St. Patrick's Day parade on Saturday are welcome to march with fellow pro-lifers from Manassas. This will be our third year in the parade. We will meet at Seton School starting at 10:00am. The parade begins at 11:00am. Seton School is in Old Town Manassas at 9314 Maple St. Bring your pro-life signs! God Bless. P.S. I believe some marchers brought candy with them last year to hand out to the crowd, and it was a hit.
So far all vigil slots for the first two days of our vigil have been signed for, but we have an empty slot today at 5pm, and several vacancies over the weekend. Let's get those vigil hours filled, and keep up our winning streak!

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